
The goals for this section:

  1. Run an image detector on the TurtleBot.
  2. Make a simple orientation controller to scan in 360 degrees and stop upon target detection


Task 1.1 — Cleanup. Remove directory ~/autonomy_ws if it exists. This may be leftover from a previous section

Task 1.2 – Git clone your repo. Clone your group’s workspace repository into the ∼/autonomy_ws/src directory:

Task 1.3 – Work on a new branch. Create a branch called section6 and work from this new branch.

Circular Motion

For this section, we want to create a simple scanning controller, PerceptionController, which outputs simple control targets depending on a ROS2 parameter named active.

This node will output

  1. zero control when active == False
  2. constant angular velocity control when active == True

To implement this node, the easiest way is to inherit from asl_tb3_lib.control.BaseController and override the compute_control function. Take a look at the source code to see what function signature it requires. We have decomposed this task into the following sub tasks to guide you through building your node.

Task 2.1 - Create new node and launch file. Create perception_controller.py in scripts and implement the node by inheriting from BaseController. Also create the associated launch file.

<aside> 💡 Remember to do the usual routines when creating new node (CMakeLists.txt, executable permission, shebang, colcon build, source, etc.).


<aside> 💡 The launch file should look very much similar to heading_control.launch.py


If implemented correctly, you should see the following error when launching your node

NotImplementedError: Calling abstract function