
The goals for this section:

  1. Apply navigator in hardware


Task 1.1 — Cleanup. Remove directory ~/autonomy_ws if it exists. This may be leftover from a previous section

Task 1.2 — Directories. Create the base directory structure for your group’s ROS workspace, ~/autonomy_ws/src.

Task 1.3 — Clone and Branch. Clone your group’s GitHub repo to the src/ directory, and create a new branch called section5.

Task 1.4 – Copy homework navigator.

<aside> 💡 You might need both node file and launch file.


Task 1.5 — Build. Navigate back to the root of your workspace, ~/autonomy_ws/, and build your ROS workspace using colcon build .

Testing your HW

Task 2.1 — Launch simulator. Firstly, we will test out your HW2 code before you can test it out on the actual robot. Start your TurtleBot simulator by:

ros2 launch asl_tb3_sim root.launch.py

Task 2.2 — Launch your navigator. In a new terminal, source your workspace, and then launch the navigator:

source ~/autonomy_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch autonomy_repo navigator.launch.py

Task 2.3 – Navigate to goal. Set a new goal pose in RViz by selecting the 2D Goal Pose button on the top toolbar and then clicking and dragging in the environment to set a goal pose.

Checkpoint — Show the CA your TurtleBot navigating in sim.

Full TurtleBot Bring Up

Time to test this out on the actual robot! Determine the ROS_DOMAIN_ID of the laptop you are using for this section using this command: